Contact Us

General Enquires During Office Hours

Monday: 9am to 5pm

Tuesday: 9am to 5pm

Wednesday: 12:30pm to 5pm

Thursday: 9am to 5pm

Friday: 9am to 3pm 

Telephone - 01259 722899



Gas/Heating Emergency:

Call City Technical Services on 0333 202 0708

Other Emergency Repairs out of hours (after 5pm Mon to Thur):

Please call our contractor Property One Ltd on 0141 611 1922 or Friday's only between 3pm and 5pm please call 0141 774 8600 

For any other repairs or general enquiries during office hours you can continue to contact our office on 01259 722899.



We would also encourage as many tenants as possible to sign up to “My Home” which allows tenants to manage their tenancy remotely with facilities to pay rent, report repairs and update their household information.

Alternatively complete and send your enquiry on the form below: