Tenant Engagement
Getting involved means opportunities for tenants to help shape our services and improve our performance. We are continually developing these opportunities, so that as many tenants as possible can have their say.
So, why get involved?
- It empowers tenants to directly influence the quality of services they receive.
- It enables tenants to share their knowledge and experience and put forward recommendations for change.
- It offers the opportunity for tenants to learn more of what the Association does, and what we will be doing in the future.
- It can help tenants to improve and influence the community they live in.
- It is a way for tenants to meet one another and get to know the staff working for them.
- It gives tenants the prospect of building new skills and training opportunities that can help with future job applications.
Tenant Engagement Documents
The 2023-24 Annual Tenant Engagement Report
Outcomes Report from Tenancy Scrutiny Survey on 'Life as a Repair'
How to become a Board Member
To be considered for a place on the Board of Management we require you to provide us with some information.
To "register an interest" please complete the form below (or download, complete and return the Board of Management Registration of Interest Form)
To help you, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria
Other useful documents which provide additional information can be found below:
Anyone wishing to have an initial chat about becoming a Board Member should contact the Association by email: customerservices@ochilviewha.co.uk